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Prosthetic Building: What Goes Into Creating Our Pet Prosthetics?

Today's animals don't need to suffer, either with pain or a lack of mobility. Your dog wants to run, jump, swim, play, and enjoy life. You want this for him too, even if you worry it's impossible. We are here to tell you it is not! Make today the day you learn more about dog prosthetics made by Bionic Pets. Table of Contents The Development of Pet Prosthetics What Goes Into Creating Our Pet Prosthetics? Our Pet Prosthetic Options The Development of Pet Prosthetics Derrick Campana, the founder of Bionic Pets, began his career making prosthetics for humans. His love for animals and passion for helping them either return to or have a high-quality of life for the first time...

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Who Are The Best Candidates For Our Pet Prosthetics?

Dogs are more than pets; they're a member of the family. You treasure your pet. You want your dog to live a long, happy, and healthy life. For a variety of reasons, some pets are only able to achieve this via the use of animal prosthetics.  Did you notice we said "some pets" and not "all pets." The truth is that pet prosthetics are not a suitable option for all animals. If you're wondering if this option is right for your furry friend, we'd love the opportunity to speak on the topic more in depth with you. When we do, we'll go over whether or not dog prosthetics are the right solution for your pet. Table of Contents The Benefits...

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Bionic Pets: Our Motivation Behind This Project

We are here to help out the animals of the world, one leg at a time! Bionic Pets, started by Derrick Campana, is the original pet prosthetics company. Keep reading to learn more about us, our mission, our products, and our founder. Table of Contents Our Mission at Bionic Pets  More About Derrick Campana Learn About Pet Prosthetics  Our Mission at Bionic Pets  Bionic Pet’s goal is to help as many animals as possible. Animals are born to run, and we help get them there. This is why we fabricate hand-crafted pet prosthetics and orthotics, all at an affordable price. Since our pet prosthetics are custom-made, it ensures a perfect fit for your pet that will avoid discomfort and pain...

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What are the Best Pet Prosthetics Wagons for Your Pet?

You have the best pet on earth. Your furry friend (or feathery, or scary, or…) deserves the best owner on Earth. You would do anything and everything you can to ensure he is happy, healthy, and living the life he deserves. A lack of mobility can make this a challenge, though. Being able to live an active lifestyle is so important, yet impossible with certain chronic conditions or illnesses. When you notice an issue that is causing him pain or affecting his mobility, you know there is only one thing good enough for him: the best animal prosthetics wagons in the industry! Nothing less will do. When are Prosthetics Wagons Helpful? This isn't a little red wagon, although that would...

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The Best Custom Animal Knee Brace in 2022

You have the best dog on earth. You know that he deserves the best owner on Earth. In order to be this for him, you do everything you can to ensure he is happy, healthy, and well taken care of. When you notice an issue that is causing him pain or affecting his mobility, you know there is only one thing good enough for him: the best custom animal knee brace! Nothing less will do. Does Your Dog Need a Custom Animal Stifle? Your dog's "knee" is correctly referred to as his stifle, as dogs have slightly different anatomies than we do. One thing dogs do have in common with us, though, is that dogs can suffer from a range...

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