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Can a Dog With Hydrocephalus Survive?

Derrick Campana

can a dog with hydrocephalus survive

Hydrocephalus is a medical condition in which fluid accumulates within the brain, leading to an abnormal increase in head size. It is often seen in dogs and can cause a variety of neurological symptoms. While hydrocephalus is a serious condition, there are treatment options available that can help improve the quality of life for affected dogs.

Let us guide you through the treatments and survival rates for dogs with hydrocephalus, so you can help your furry friend get a happy and lasting life.

Hydrocephalus in Dogs Survival Rate

hydrocephalus in dogs

Are you wondering how long a dog can live with hydrocephalus? You need to know that hydrocephalus can have a major impact on the life expectancy of your dog, ranging from no intervention to accelerated mortality. Dogs with mild or moderate cases may live healthy and happy lives while occasionally taking medication or without any treatment. For dogs suffering from severe hydrocephalus, however, their shortened lifespan could result in death at any moment.

Can a puppy live with hydrocephalus?

The answer depends on the severity of a puppy’s hydrocephalus. If it is mild and can be managed with medication or minimal intervention, then it is likely that a puppy could survive with hydrocephalus. However, if the condition is severe, more intensive treatments may be necessary, but even this doesn’t guarantee success.

The survival rate for dogs with hydrocephalus largely depends on their condition's severity. Milder cases can be managed with minimal treatment, while severe cases require more advanced care.

Treatment Options for Dogs With Hydrocephalus

The primary goal of treatment for hydrocephalus is to halt its progression and, if possible, restore the patient's condition back to "normal." However, how this plan can be best achieved depends on various factors such as age and severity of symptoms as well as the type/severity of hydrocephalus being treated. By carefully considering all these conditions and your veterinarian's advice, you can craft a tailored therapeutic strategy to give your dog its best chance at recovery!

There are two main ways to treat hydrocephalus in dogs: surgery and medication. Surgery is a more invasive option, but it can be very effective in relieving symptoms and reducing the amount of fluid buildup. Medication can also help reduce the amount of fluid within the brain, but it won't cure the condition.

Decreasing the production of cerebrospinal fluid is typically the initial course of action for dogs with mild to moderate disease. A few medications are used to achieve this, including:

  • Steroids such as prednisolone and dexamethasone 
  • Diuretics such as furosemide 
  • Proton-pump inhibitors such as omeprazole

Furthermore, hydrocephalus in animals can cause an accumulation of fluid that leads to pressure inside the skull. This force then causes the bones of the head to widen and break apart, leaving its brain powerless against potential trauma or even death.

At Bionic Pets, we create custom-made cranial helmets so that animals with weakened skulls can live unrestricted and enjoy the most out of life.

Your Pet Can Enjoy a Happy Life With Bionic Pets Prosthetics

Hydrocephalus is a serious medical condition that can significantly impact the quality and length of your pet's life. However, with the right treatment options and care, affected dogs can still enjoy a happy and active life! If your dog has been diagnosed with hydrocephalus, it's important to talk to your veterinarian about the best way to manage the condition and ensure your pet's long-term well-being.

Bionic Pets prosthetics can help your dog live the best life possible. Our custom-made pet prosthetics are designed to fit your pet's needs, giving them the mobility and freedom they need to enjoy all their favorite activities. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help your furry friend!