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Prosthetics FAQs: Do Dogs Like the Thermoformed Plastic Animal Wagon?

When your dog is suffering from mobility issues, one common solution is to have him or her fitted for a custom prosthetic. While you may think of like this a "fake leg" of sorts, that's not all the field of animal prosthetics entails. In fact, many dogs (even those with all four limbs intact) find relief in the form of a Thermoformed Plastic Animal Wagon. What is an Animal Wagon? Think of this kind of wagon like a wheelchair for your dog. While he or she isn't necessarily sitting, the mechanics and functionality are the same. Our custom-fit wagons are a helpful vehicle for your pet to mobilize comfortably and securely. With a customized body jacket created from a cast...

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What are the Benefits of Animal Prosthetics?

You want your pet to live a long, happy, and healthy life. For a variety of reasons, some pets are only able to achieve this via the use of animal prosthetics. If you're wondering if this option is right for your furry best friend, we'd love the opportunity to speak on the topic more in depth with you. The truth is that there are many beneficial reasons that fitting your pet with an animal prosthetic is a good idea. Together, let's look at a few of the most important reasons to consider this option. Reason #1 Increased Mobility The first benefit of animal prosthetics is the most obvious. A prosthetic allows an animal to move around in a very similar...

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Carpal Braces for Dogs: Carpal Hyperextension and Treating it

  You want your beloved pet to be happy and healthy. When your vet tells you that your dog is suffering from Carpal Hyperextension, this is confusing and concerning. If you're not sure what this condition is and how to treat it, you're not alone. Let Bionic Pets help you better understand Carpal Hyperextension as well as how to help your pet feel better through the aid of carpal braces for dogs. What is Carpal Hyperextension? A carpus is a wrist, in both humans and dogs. A dog's wrist consists of seven small bones. It is stabilized by a number of ligaments, found on both the front and the back of the carpus. In a healthy dog, these ligaments hold...

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Osteoarthritis: How do Wagons for Dogs Help?

  Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide. Humans aren't the only ones who suffer from Osteoarthritis. Dogs do too! It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones wears down over time. Although Osteoarthritis can damage any joint, the disorder most commonly affects joints in the paws, knees, hips, and lower spine. Understanding Osteoarthritis in Dogs In a healthy joint, cartilage acts as a cushion to allow the joint to move smoothly through its full range of motion. In cases of Osteoarthritis, this cartilage cushion begins to break down. The loss of this protective cushion results in pain, inflammation, decreased range of motion, and the development of bone spurs. ...

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Torn ACL: The Importance of a Stifle Brace for Your Dog

Your dog is more like a member of the family than a pet. Just because he or she is an animal doesn't make them any less important in your eyes! That is what makes it so difficult to suspect that he or she has torn their ACL and isn't able to play and move around very much. You're looking for a mobility solution, but what? Your dog may love peanut butter and snuggling on the couch just like you do, but he or she isn't exactly the same as you. His or her anatomy is slightly different. This includes the fact that dogs have a "stifle," which you do not. A stifle is your dog’s rear leg joint. The stifle...

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