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Why You Should Consider a Prosthetic for Your Pet

Derrick Campana

Loving your pet means you want them to be happy and healthy. This is nearly impossible for an animal if he or she is not mobile. If a major accident, like being hit by a car, or a cancerous tumor has stolen your dog or cat's ability to freely walk, run, jump, and climb, it is time you consider a pet prosthetic limb.

It goes without saying that this is a really big decision. There's a lot that goes into this process, and it all begins with the decision to order a prosthetic limb online. As you think about it, consider the following:

#1 It must be in the pet's best interest.

Has your veterinarian recommended total amputation? This is done usually in the case of catastrophic injuries or tumors that affect their limbs. This has to be recommended with the best interest of the animal and the most up to date science in mind. It is certainly possible for dogs and cats to learn to negotiate life missing a limb, but is it what is best? Most pet owners are motivated to provide their pet with the ability to continue a relatively active lifestyle. The breakdown of remaining limbs, ACL injury, chronic neck and back pain, weight gain, and myofascial (muscle) pain syndromes can result from your pet missing a limb and not having a prosthetic. Sadly, these issues can shorten the lives of animals missing a limb.

#2 Today's technology is truly amazing!

This isn't just some stick or block or metal attached to your dog or cat. In recent years the technology used to fabricate prosthetic limbs for humans has been applied to animals. When you order from Bionic Pets, our prosthetics are built from a cast of your pet's leg. We manufacture each prosthetic to meet your pet's specific injury. From full limbs to partial, each custom prosthetic is built to last a lifetime.

#3 The prosthetic will fit your dog or cat perfectly.

Fill out our simple form below to start the process. You will be directed to purchase the casting kit after completion. The casting kit will be used to make a mold of your pet's limb and used to create a custom tailored prosthetic. After we receive the mold and size the prosthetic, we'll contact you directly to complete your purchase. Then, we build the prosthetic and ship it right to you. In a few weeks when it arrives, you can then fit it to your pet and you're done! He or she will go back to the mobility they used to enjoy.

Most dogs and cats adapt very well and quickly to the use of a prosthetic limb. Animals can truly thrive with prosthetic limbs. By restoring normal four-leg mobility, chronic pain syndromes and premature euthanasia can be avoided and your furry friend will be forever grateful to you.