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Break-In Period (Generally 2 weeks)

• A short period of time is required before your pet accepts the custom orthotic/prosthetic device. To facilitate your pet’s acceptance, practice associating the orthosis/prosthesis with positive reinforcement, such as verbal praise or an edible treat
• Have your pet wear the device in short, increasing increments to build up a tolerance to the device. For best results, place the device on your pet for only 30 minutes the first day, and increase by 30 minutes per day going forward. This can be done in disjointed segments
o Day 1: 30 minutes total
o Day 2: 1-hour total
o Day 3: 1.5 hours total, and so on…
• Continue with this regimen up to as much as all day, or as little as only during activity. The device should never be worn overnight or during long periods of alone time, especially when crated
• Always keep the brace snug, but not exceptionally tight. Wearing it loosely will result in friction and skin irritation 

Skin & Brace Examination

• It is of extreme importance that your pet’s skin is inspected thoroughly after every use. This is especially important during the 2-week “break-in period.” The occurrence of skin redness that does not disappear within 20 minutes or evidence of skin breakdown is a sign that the fit will need to be assessed
• If there is any irritation or skin break-down, discontinue use for 1 full day, and contact Bionic Pets for next steps
o Keep in mind that fine tuning adjustments are commonly needed to get the perfect fit. Either visit Bionic Pets in person or ship your device back for a complimentary adjustment. Do not wait until skin irritation has led to an open wound
• The device itself should also be regularly inspected for interior and exterior wear/damage. Your purchase comes with a 6-month warranty for most refurbishments
• Interior foam can be “refluffed” by use of a hairdryer; Never use at high heat

Proper Hygiene

• Keep your pet’s skin that is in contact with the device as clean as possible. This will reduce the chance of your pet developing Contact Dermatitis or other skin conditions
• Your pet’s brace/prosthesis should also be cleaned regularly. This can be done with either a mix of ½ water-½ alcohol or a baby wipe. Use a clean towel or let the device air dry at room temperature
• For devices other than stifle braces or exceedingly small/large prosthetics, a 3-ply Knit Rite prosthetic cotton sock has been provided for additional comfort and cleanliness. These may be washed as you would human socks. Additional socks may be ordered on the Bionic  Pets website.
• Your pet’s device is waterproof and will float. Please dry the device and sock before letting your pet continue to wear them as skin irritation may occur

Final Tip

• Tighten all screws regularly as they may loosen with wear If you are left with any questions, feel free to call us at (703) 474-6204 or email at or