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What Type of Knee Brace Does My Dog Need?

You know you love your dog. You know you want what is best for him. You know he needs a brace to help after an accident or once a chronic, genetic condition has begun to cause him pain. What you don't know, however, is which type of dog knee brace is right for him. Choosing a brace is not an easy process. There are different brands advertising different uses, so deciding on a brace can quickly become overwhelming. This is too important to get wrong! Choosing the right brace is important, as any brace won’t necessarily work for your dog and his specific condition. That's okay! You don't need to get too stressed out about it. At Bionic Pets, we...

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Do Knee Braces Help Dogs?

Your dog is more like a member of the family than a pet. Just because he or she is an animal doesn't make them any less important in your eyes! If your child was hurting, you'd get them the medical care they need to feel better. You want to do the same for your dog! If your dog is showing signs of trouble walking, like limping and pain, you may be wondering if dog knee braces could help. The short answer is yes, they can! You want to know more than this, though. We'll give you a much longer answer too! Long ago, dog braces were made by people who loved dogs but simply didn't know much about the science...

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5 Benefits Of Dog Full Limb Prosthetic

Either through accident or disease, some dogs lose a limb. Their quality of life can suffer greatly after this, but it doesn't necessarily have to be this way. You can give him or her a prosthetic limb! Here are five incredible benefits of buying a full prosthetic leg for dogs: #1 It's a safe alternative to surgery. Surgeries are painful, invasive, and can require large amounts of recovery time. As much as you love your dog, surgery can sometimes just be out of reach. This doesn't even mention the fact that some dogs aren't a candidate for surgery because of their advanced age. If surgery is out of the question, a prosthetic limb is the solution you're looking for.  #2...

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Why You Should Consider a Prosthetic for Your Pet

Loving your pet means you want them to be happy and healthy. This is nearly impossible for an animal if he or she is not mobile. If a major accident, like being hit by a car, or a cancerous tumor has stolen your dog or cat's ability to freely walk, run, jump, and climb, it is time you consider a pet prosthetic limb. It goes without saying that this is a really big decision. There's a lot that goes into this process, and it all begins with the decision to order a prosthetic limb online. As you think about it, consider the following: #1 It must be in the pet's best interest. Has your veterinarian recommended total amputation? This is...

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How to Create the Perfect Environment for Your Older Dog

Your dog isn't just a pet; he is a furry member of the family. Just like other members of the family, you want to see him live a long, healthy, and happy life. As your dog grows into his golden years, his muscles weaken and his mobility progressively reduces. He is now more vulnerable to injuries and arthritis, which can then cause further aches and pains. Creating the perfect environment for your older dog to thrive in can help to extend both the duration and the quality of the later years of his life. The last thing you want is for him to suffer in the last years of his life. Follow these tips below to give you and your...

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